Thursday, April 21, 2011

R = Running

Some people run for sport, some run for exercise, some even run for fun. There are few occassions I would choose to run and they all involve chasing money. So unless Im running down the winning lottery ticket or a twenty dollar bill the wind is trying to take away, you wont find me partaking in it.

But not everyone shares my opinion. My best friend wakes up every morning at 4:00 a.m. to go running. She thinks running is fun and likes to do it. I will admit, I do admire her for it. I wish I had that much drive to wake up early enough to do something I love. But to tell you the truth, Im lucky if I wake up with enough time to shower, feed my dogs and make it to work on-time.

I know running is good for you. Ive even heard you burn more calories when you run a mile vs walking a mile. But Id rather spend the mile relaxed and walking than stressed because I dont enjoy running. The bottom line is chosing the exercise right for you and not right for the number of calories youre looking to burn. In the end, the lack of stress will do your body better than burning those extra calories.


  1. I am with you. I do not run unless a knife welding psychopath is behind me. Then I might, but even then it is not certain.

  2. I compromise by walking quickly, but that doesn't last very long. I usually slow down to go to Starbucks or have a frozen yogurt. I agree that you have to choose the right exercise for you. Julie

  3. Zumba is the best! That is my exercise of choice. :)

  4. I love running, but due to various injuries over the last couple of years, I've had to cut back. Now I've embraced walking! Time to think, to dream, to enjoy the moment.

  5. So funny, when I saw the title I thought you were going to post about your love for running. The second line gave me a good laugh. :D

    I agree completely, I've tried running and it's not for me. I love walking and am happy with that.

  6. I like walking. It's peaceful, less hard on my joints, a good way to exercise, but best of all: my fat doesn't jiggle while I'm doing it.
