Saturday, April 2, 2011

B = Benefiber

Benefiber - it isn’t just for old, constipated folks. Unfortunately that stigma will prevent a lot of people from buying the product. Fiber is a friend to anyone who is trying to get healthy. The benefits of it will be discussed at a later letter, “F” to be exact.

This post is about getting passed the judgment that comes along with buying it. At the store you are bound to run into a least one person who sees you with it and has a laugh at your expense. Whether they have an audible giggle or hide it behind a smile, it happens. Even those that manage to do neither, you’ll catch the look -- the one that says a snide remark is going through their head.

Who cares? Well, actually, most of us do. But we shouldn’t let it stand in our way of buying it. So here are a few tips:

1) Who hasn’t heard the one about... if someone is laughing at you, be happy you made their day - or something along those lame lines? True story: A cashier at the store, who was previously grumpy with everyone in front of me, gets a huge grin when I hand him my box of Benefiber. Now this poor guy has a boring job, which I can say with the confidence gained from doing it and knowing it’s boring first hand. The job gives him little reason to smile. Hell, you don’t know him, his life might give him little reason to smile. But, guess what, your purchase did. So take your purchase along with a big load of good karma!

2) If you are stock full of good karma and want to avoid the cashier... many places have self-check out. Just be careful that you use the self-check out probably so as not to set off the dreaded red light. Once that thing goes off you not only have a cashier come over, everyone around is looking to see what product the idiot at the self-check is buying that set the thing off.

3) Another option, now that many stores are open 24 hours, is to go in the wee hours of the morning. You probably won’t run into too many people and those you do will either be dead tired or drunk. Avoid the drunk ones, they will show you no mercy.

4) If none of the above work and you must brave through the purchase. Relax, take a deep breath. A stressed look will only make you appear constipated.


  1. Excellent choice for the letter B! Have to drink lots of water with it or it could work the opposite way. Your last line is classic!


  2. Excellent advice. Usually those laughing are the ones that drive to the next town where no one knows them to buy it. They want to make themselves feel better by laughing at you.


  3. Never heard of it, remember something called Syrup of Figs as a child and thought it was all one word :0)

  4. I love the name of your blog : ) I'm visiting from the A-Z today...good luck with the challenge. And getting enough fiber : )

  5. Great title on your blog. Thank you for sharing this post. I look forward to reading more from you.

  6. if blogging burned calories - GREAT name!

    stopping in from the A to Z and now following along

  7. I'm another fan of your blog title!
    I’ve not heard of it, but now I have. ;)

  8. Stopping in from the A-Z Challange and now following. I liked your post! :-D

  9. Funny! I always buy fiber along with many other items and it just gets lost in the mix of other purchases.

  10. Haha...I was considering buying some Benfiber just this morning. Fitting post, lol :)

  11. teehee... oh, there are plenty of embarrassing things to buy... I have never used 'benefiber' specifically, but I can't see how it would cause any more snickering than some of the stuff. Love the attitude!

  12. Love the title! Visiting from the AtoZ Challenge - nice to meet you.

  13. I found you through the A to Z challenge; I LOVE your blog title.
    You could try and order the Benefiber online, but I like the "good karma" perspective. :-)

  14. Amy,
    Thanks for stopping at my blog. I had meant to comment on yours but got distracted (?) I really like your blog and the fact that you are flirting with natural healing. Great move!!! I've been on the side of "natural" all my life. Looking forward to reading all your posts.
    Wanna buy a duck

  15. Hahaha interesting choice of topic.

    I don't we have Benefibre in South Africa.

    Still, I can imagine why it might look a little weird. Wouldn't stop me though.


  16. Thanks for the tips! Now I know when and where to go about sneaking in to pick up my Benefiber needs!
