Friday, April 29, 2011

Y = Yes

I recently watched the movie Yes Man starring Jim Carrey. In the movie his character is required to say yes to every opportunity that comes his way. I think it is a good idea to stay open to new things, but I wouldn’t go so far as to agree to do everything.

I can’t say yes to everything, there just isn’t enough time in the day. So I figured out a way to determine which opportunities are meant to help me with my goals and which ones are meant to distract me. The trick I use is the rule of three.

If I come across something three times, I’m convinced it is something I need to try. I’m not talking about something presenting itself in an over-the-top way. An example would be hearing about something, like a book, through a friend. The next time I might read about the book on someone’s blog. And the last time, it might be talked about on TV.

It is just a matter of paying closer attention to those things trying to get your attention. I don’t believe in once in a lifetime opportunities. If something is meant to be, I believe it will continue to present itself. Now it probably won’t work its butt off for eternity, but I think it would at least make the effort three times.


  1. Yes to your philosophy! I think it's important to try new things too. It's always good to challenge yourself. Jim Carrey was great in the movie. Julie

  2. Great philosophy - I might have to adopt it. I tend to find myself saying yes to most things, and then dealing with the consequences... like too much work and not enough time! My husband keeps telling me I have to learn to say no, but I haven't mastered that yet!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday - only one day to go! Phew!

  3. I love your rule of three, that makes perfect sense. It is funny too how sometimes you hear of something, then all of the sudden it pops up again and again. Definitely seems meant to be at that point.

    Great post!

  4. That is a very good rule and I am the same way. Although not necessarily 3 times, but if something keeps popping up here and there, then I will more than likely check it out as opposed to something that pops up one off.

  5. I hadn't heard of the Carrey movie, but it reminds me of Liar, Liar, where he's condemned to tell the truth.

  6. Very cool. I like that rule of three. I'm going to pay more attention and see if it'll work for me. Thanks.

    I’m A-Z Blogging on Langley Writes about Writing and Langley’s Rich and Random Life

  7. I, too, believe in signs. We just need to keep our eyes open. I enjoyed "Yes Man" also. The premise of the story was inspiring. It's amazing what a positive outlook on life will do. I liked how each "yes" moment led to other opportunities.

  8. Great 'Y' post! Can't get much more positive than YES. I also like your rule of three. An opportunity is only an opportunity if we take advantage of it.

  9. I did something like this for Lent last year. I'm always the person that finds an excuse not to do something. So for Lent I was more "opportunistic" if you will. Sounds like you're doing the same. Good luck!
